Glycerin is a topical emollient. Glycerin finds major application in treating and preventing dry skin condition. It acts like a moisturiser that decreases itching, flaking, and scaly skin. It forms a layer of oil on the skin to prevent the moisture from escaping. It also accelerates shedding of dead skin cells and leaves the skin smooth and soft.
Glycerin Liquid
₹30 – ₹1,460
Helps to keep the skin moisturized and hydrated
Embodies anti-aging effect
Helpful in improving skin elasticity
Glycerin is a topical emollient. Glycerin finds major application in treating and preventing dry skin condition. It acts like a moisturiser that decreases itching, flaking, and scaly skin. It forms a layer of oil on the skin to prevent the moisture from escaping. It also accelerates shedding of dead skin cells and leaves the skin smooth and soft.
Weight | 50ml, 100ml, 115ml, 5l |
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