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Ayurvedic Medicine for Urinary Calculi
Ayurvedic Medicine for Rental Calculi
Green Tea: 95% & Lemon Extract: 5%
Immunity Booster Tea Bags
Ensures better bioavailability Useful in Mental retardation and Senile dementia Beneficial in condition of age related memory impairment
It helps treat constipation It helps maintain healthy hair and skin Castor oil has natural antibacterial and antifungal properties
It acts as a cough suppressant and comes in ginger, honey and menthol flavors.
Sugar Free Cough Syrup 100% Herbal
Cystone is a natural choice in urinary calculi and UTI. It contains majorly Small Caltrops and Pasanabheda. Role of Key ingredients: Small Caltrops (Gokshura) is helpful the management of uro-genital diseases like kidney stones, bladder infection and other urinary tract infections. It helps promote general urinary tract health by eliminating dysuria (painful urination or blood present in urine) Pasanabheda (Saxifraga Ligulata) possesses diuretic, demulcent and antimicrobial properties. Pasanabheda soothes and protects irritated or inflamed internal tissue. As a diuretic, the herb helps to flush out small stones and gravel along with urine. Cystone syrup is also used for the prevention and treatment of kidney stone formation, presence of crystals in urine,removal of kidney stones and recurrence of stones It can also be used as adjuvant in chronic UTI, painful urination or blood present in urine and burning micturition (urination). Use under medical supervision.